Coaching with Loretta

Over the past 8 years I've helped hundreds of people from around the world to improve their businesses and lives through coaching.

In 2015, after having worked in marketing for over 40 years, I hired a business coach to help me with the sale of my eCommerce business to an American Hedge Fund. While discussing my new life after exiting he said "Do you know I think you would make a really good Coach" and I loved this idea so decided to pursue this path.

I started coaching/mentoring 7 figure eCommerce business owners with their business goals, but soon felt frustrated when I saw how they often blocked their own business growth and wanted to understand why.

In 2018 I discovered life coaching and the power of coaching tools to show you what's really going in your brain and how this influences the results in your life. I became certified in 2019 with the Life Coach School and have very much enjoyed coaching with clients from all over the world.

My life took another pivot in 2020 during Covid. I had planned that year to go to Kings in London to do a Masters in Neuroscience but during lockdown, online art classes became my favourite activity and I discovered how art could be very calming and also a lot of fun. I had stopped art at school after the age of 13 because I went down the science stream, so I had received no formal art training. Since 2020 adult education and online courses have helped me to develop my skills.

The final twist in my story came in 2021 when I discovered Heartwork Journaling. This uses creativity to enhance the power of coaching tools, regardless of your level of artistic experience. In 2023 I certified as a Heartwork Journaling University Instructor and in addition to my Coaching I now create in-person and online courses via Skillshare. I also volunteer with a local Arts Therapy Charity, helping people to improve their mental health via creativity.

I live in the lovely New Forest on the South Coast on England with my family and although British, I like to think of myself as a citizen of the world, having lived in Holland, New Zealand, Spain and Guernsey.

About Loretta

Let me help you feel better through exploring your issue

Bachelor of Science, First Class Hons, Complementary Therapy, University of Westminster

Professional Life Coach Certification: The Life Coach School

Heartwork Journaling Instructor: Heartwork Journaling University

Coach Practioner : Noble Manhattan Coaching


Therapeutic Art Life Coach: Transformation Coaching Academy

Master Life Coach Certification: Transformation Coaching Academy

Foundation Art & Design: West Dean College of Arts and Conservation

Let's talk

I love getting your feedback and reading your comments. Contact me if you have any questions I will get back to you shortly. Remember that you can also follow me on Instagram or write to my email: